Launching Your Space Business

A Half-Day Aerospace Seminar

Thursday, October 26, 2023 | 12:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Sherman & Howard L.L.C. | 675 Fifteenth Street | Suite 2300 | Denver, CO



Even with skilled engineering teams and the latest technologies to offer, launching a new space company can be a daunting challenge. That’s why Sherman & Howard has gathered several of the most successful people in the aerospace industry for an afternoon seminar to help you learn how to launch and grow your business.

Join our panel of C-level executives and in-house counsel, along with our own aerospace attorneys as they share their success stories and best practices from capital formation and fundraising to navigating the legal and regulatory landscape. Later, you’ll be able to meet and network with the panel and fellow attendees.

Don’t miss this engaging and informative learning opportunity. Register today!




