Arizona Publications Feature Craig Morgan in Articles About Arizona Election Law Case

The Daily Independent, the Arizona Daily Star, and Arizona Capitol Times published articles about new case filings from Sherman & Howard litigation and political attorney Craig Morgan. Morgan represents Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, the defendant in this case, against election challenges cases filed by failed Arizona attorney general candidate Abraham Hamadeh.

Below is an excerpt from one of the articles.

In new filings Friday, Craig Morgan told the Arizona Supreme Court that the bid by Hamadeh for a new trial has multiple flaws. If nothing else, Morgan said, the failed candidate is not legally entitled to documents he claims will allow him to prove he really outpolled Democrat Kris Mayes.

But the real problem, he said, is the way the lawyers for Hamadeh, his political supporters and the Republican National Committee handled their legal challenge in front of Mohave County Superior Court Judge Lee Jantzen right after the 2022 election.

“Petitioners made tactical decisions before the superior court, failed to meaningfully advance their arguments concerning pre-trial discovery, and tarried through an expedited election contest,” Morgan said.

“They pressed the arguments they wanted to press, as much or as little, as they desired,” Morgan told the justices.

Read the Daily Independent article HERE.

Read the Arizona Daily Star article HERE.

Read the Arizona Capitol Times article HERE. (Subscription required.)