Law Week Colorado Quotes Scott Shea and Katie Varholak on Construction Industry Drone Use

July 24, 2017 – Sherman & Howard’s webinar “Small Unmanned Aerial Systems: Keep Your Drones From Going Rogue” was covered by Law Week Colorado in an article titled “Keeping Drones from Going Rogue.” The article discusses the potential legal risks of commercial drone operation in the construction industry, including issues relating to state and federal aviation regulations, privacy concerns, and insurance coverage.

Construction law attorney, Scott Shea, noted that while the use of drones in the construction industry is likely to increase, the laws and regulations impacting their use are constantly evolving. Referencing the difficulty contractors may have working around FAA controlled airspaces, Mr. Shea said, “Construction is happening all over Denver, and a lot of it is happening in controlled airspace.” In order for contractors to avoid penalties associated with violating controlled airspace regulations, they must apply for drone waivers. “Essentially, what you have to do is prove to the FAA that despite the rule, you can operate your drone safely,” Mr. Shea added in regard to seeking drone waivers for construction sites.

Katie Varholak, chair of Sherman & Howard’s Litigation Group, exposed the many nuances construction contractors should be aware of when selecting insurance policies for commercial drone use. Ms. Varholak says, “Because the risks and potential liabilities associated with drones are varied, there is not going to be a one-size-fits-all insurance policy to cover all of drone exposure.”

The full article can be read in the July 24 print edition of Law Week Colorado.